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It is recommended to install ELF using a separate hard drive partition to store your uploaded files. When uploaded ELF files fill up a separate disk partition it won't cause problems with the OS. It is also recommended to specify a temporary upload directory for php (upload_tmp_dir directive in the php.ini file) that resides inside your separate hard drive partition. See the 'APACHE with MOD PHP optional MOD_SSL' PHP installation section below.

These instructions assume that your apache server is installed in /usr/local/apache and that you have a separate hard drive partition for /usr/local or /usr/local/elf. You can of course install the software wherever you like but /usr/local/apache and /usr/local/elf are used as a point of reference.


  • MySQL
  • Apache with Mod PHP and Mod SSL(optional)
  • Unix OS
  • Perl with DBI/DBD - Perl Module

  • Upload - In order to upload up to 2 GB files some modification may be necessary.

    By default ELF allows you to upload up to 3 files at once, however the combined size of all the uploads must be under 2 GB. Apparently, 2 GB is an http limit and/or file system limit and is probably a pain to work around. To allow 2 GB you will have to modify the php.ini(a configuration file for mod php) and change the following:

    • max_execution_time = 120
    • post_max_size = 2047M
    • upload_max_filesize = 2047M
    • upload_tmp_dir = "/mypartition/tmp"

    As you can see we are 1 MB shy of 2 GB but putting 2048 would not work correctly for some reason.

    PHP performs file uploads by first writing the files to a temporary directory which is located in the php.ini file under the directive upload_tmp_dir. If there are multiple files being uploaded in an html form, then each file is uploaded sequentially until the last file is done.

    After all files are uploaded successfuly then your php script is able to execute and the files can be moved from the temporary directory to a directory you specify. There was an issue with the max_execution_time variable in the php.ini file not being large enough because when moving large files the script would timeout with the error message: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded.

    So, we increased the max_execution_time to 120 seconds which should hopefully resolve this issue. This time may vary depending on disk speed etc. If a user complains that his browser goes blank when uploading files then check the Apache error log files and look for execution time out errors.


    1. Install and setup MySQL, refer to www.mysql.com for more details.

    Apache with mod php and mod_ssl(optional)

    1. Check out the Apache website(http://httpd.apache.org/) and the 
    php website(http://www.php.net/) for detailed instructions on 
    installing and configuring Apache with PHP. 
    2. The default ELF configuration allows for up to 2 GB of file transfers. 
    When php is installed its default is much smaller. Therefore, you have 
    to change the php configuration which is localed in the php.ini. This is 
    usally installed in /usr/local/lib/php.ini. 
    You can upload up to 3 files at once however the combined size of all 
    the uploads must be under 2 GB. Apparently, 2 GB is an http limit/filesystem 
    limit and is probably a pain to work around. To allow 2 GB we had to edit 
    the php.ini and modify the following:
        * max_execution_time = 120
        * post_max_size = 2047M
        * upload_max_filesize = 2047M
        * upload_tmp_dir = "/ELF/tmp"
    	max_execution_time - This is the maximum execution time a php script 
    	can last. Some hard disks aren't fast enough to transfer the uploaded 
    	files from the php temporary directory to their final resting place. 
    	If you see an 'PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds 
    	exceeded' in the apache error_log file then you know why.
    	post_max_size - This is the maximum amount of data that a user can 
    	post to an html form.
    	upload_max_filesize = This is the maximum size that a combined file 
    	upload can be.
    	upload_tmp_dir - This should reside in the Hard Disk Partition that 
    	you setup for ELF. For example, we created a the directory tmp in 
    	the disk partition /ELF. This is a good idea since php will store 
    	its temporary files here and not somewhere else on the system where 
    	they can cause a problem for the OS.
    You must restart Apache for these changes to take affect.

    Perl with DBI

    Perl is installed by default on most unix based systems. The Elf Daemon, 
    which removes expired uploaded files and temporary accounts, uses the 
    perl language. Try to determine if you have DBI installed. On some unix 
    systems running:
    perldoc perllocal 
    will display a list of installed perl modules. If not download from
    CPAN - http://search.cpan.org/search?query=DBI&mode=all and install.

    ELF Layout

    Basic file/directory structure of ELF: 
    bin         - contains the ELF Daemon that removes uploaded files, temporary accounts,
                  and database entries that expire.
    db          - Upload file database where files uploaded by ELF users are stored.
    gnu-elf.sql - Database schema for the ELF system.
    public      - ELF web pages that need to be served from the public web space of
                  your apache web server.
    INSTALL     - Installation instructions.
    quarantine  - Directory where viruses uploaded by ELF users are stored.
    templates   - Design templates for the ELF web pages.
    templates_c - Compiled design templates for the ELF web pages.
    ***t is recommended to install ELF on its own separate hard drive partition. When uploaded ELF files fill up the disk partition it won't cause any problems to the rest of the Operating System.

    Short Version

    1. Unpack ELF:
    	gunzip < elf-VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    	cd elf-VERSION
    2. Import DB tables into MySQL 
    	/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p < gnu-elf.sql
    3. Populate the directory DB Table with your users.
    4. Make necessary directories writeable by Apache webserver
    	chown nobody db quarantine templates_c
    5. Edit the bin/elfctl file to your environment.
    6. Edit the bin/elfd file to your environment.
    7. Make files executable and move necessary directories
    	chmod 775 bin/elfctl bin/elfd
    	mkdir /usr/local/elf
    	mv db bin quarantine templates templates_c /usr/local/elf
    8. Start the ELF daemon:
    	/usr/local/elf/bin/elfctl start
    9. Edit the configuration file: public/.cfg.php to your environment.
    10. Move public directory to the web space.
    	mv public /usr/local/apache/htdocs
    	(or if you want a specific directory for elf)
    	mv public /usr/local/apache/htdocs/elf
    11. Open up a web browser to your host and test by registering yourself.
    12. Secure the admin/monitor.php page with a .htaccess file.

    Detailed Version

    1. Unpack the elf tar ball and move into the elf directory.
    gunzip < elf-VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    cd elf-VERSION
    2. The file: gnu-elf.sql contains the DB schema for the ELF. It will
    create a database named 'gnu-elf'. Import the DB schema into mysql using 
    the password you created for mysql earlier.
    /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p < gnu-elf.sql
    3. The gnu-elf database contains a table called directory. This table
    allows you to specify which user can register for the ELF system. You
    can populate this table with the necessary users you want for your
    system. Only users in this table will be able to register. An email
    address is required for the user to register. (This type of system
    could change in the future to something more elegant. LDAP functionality is
    in the works).
    4. The db, quarantine, and templates_c directories need to be writeable by
    the Apache webserver process. The Apache server is usually owned by the
    user nobody but your environment may differ.
    chown nobody db quarantine templates_c
    5. Edit the file bin/elfctl and change the variables:
    PIDFILE - The process id file for the elf daemon elfd.
    ELFD - path to the elf daemon binary called elfd, located in bin directory.
    6. Edit the file bin/elfd and change the 'CONFIGURATION VARIABLES' section
    to fit your environment. (We are looking into a single configuration
    system to work with web pages, elfctl, and elfd). 
    If you experience problems with the Database connection from elfd,
    the ELF Daemon specefically calls the mysql.sock from the DBI connect script:
    Make sure that your mysql.sock matches the mysql.sock in this DBI connect statement. 
    7. Make the bine files executable and move the bin, db, quarantine, templates, 
    and templates_c directories somewhere outside the webspace. For example, if 
    our apache server serves pages from the /usr/local/apache/htdocs directory 
    we can place these directories in a new directory outside the web space 
    such as /usr/local/elf.
    chmod 775 bin/elfctl bin/elfd
    mkdir /usr/local/elf
    mv db bin quarantine templates templates_c /usr/local/elf
    8. Try starting up your elf daemaon elfd. For example, if the bin directory
    resides in /usr/local/elf/bin. 
    /usr/local/elf/bin/elfctl start
    9. Edit the configuration file: public/.cfg.php with values specific to your 
    environment. This should take around 15 - 20 minutes. There are comments inside 
    the configuration file to help you.
    10. Move the public directory into your apache server's public webspace. For
    example if apache servers web pages from /usr/local/apache/htdocs then:
    mv public /usr/local/apache/htdocs
    or if you want a specific directory for elf
    mv public /usr/local/apache/htdocs/elf
    11. Open up a web browser and test!
    12. There is a small Admin page which shows statistics about the system, admin/monitor.php.
    You will probably want to restrict this portion of the site by .htaccess files in apache
    to certain users/administrators.

    ELF allows users to Exchange Large Files using a standard web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape.
    Copyright © 2002,2003 The Rockefeller University, All Rights Reserved